Zion National Park – Road-trip Day 3
Zion – fantastic for hiking true wilderness
After we had been to the Standing rocks and Lee’s Ferry we packed up in the van and went for Zion National Park. A place I hadn’t been before. Our danish companion asked how many of us had been there… And he guaranteed that we would all be silenced and just go ’WOOOOW’….. Rather a promise and I was, let’s admit, a wee bit sceptical. This year’s road-trip was re-planned a bit over the earlier ones. And we got to spend an early evening, a whole day and the following morning. Our first stop within the park was the Checkerboard mesa that you see in the picture above. We went on and at our next stop we went for a short walk over to one of the sites with petroglyphs.
From there we went down the road, through the tunnel and stopped by the bridge over Virgin river. This was where everyone gathered with or without camera to see the sun set. I generally tend to like it better being away from the group, seeing my own motives etc so after a while I turned around instead and walked back a bit and got the last rays of sun on the cliffs behind the bridge.
Bridge over Virgin river, the place for a Zion sunset
The next morning we were challenged with a scavenger hunt, 8 words to be illustrated in a picture… We went back up to the South Gate and ’worked’ our way down to the bridge again.
Zion is an high altitude desert and very dependent on the water running in the Virgin river. We were headed for one of the easier hiking trails by the river. And even with a limited time frame we had I loved the paved walk by the river. Meeting some guys who had been on hiking the river from upstream and seeing their faces made it even more inviting. It gave me the want-to-do more feeling. Zion is definitely a place I’d love to come back to and spend lots of more time in. But here are some pictures from the days spent this time…
Underbar plats! Glad att kunna få följa med på dina vandringar o därigenom få vidga mina vyer! <3
Ha´t himla gôrgôtt i vårsola
Tack Nina! Ja vårsolen har varit underbar den här veckan. En hel del tid med näsan rätt i vädret för mig 🙂
Vakre bilder! Det må ha vært en fantastisk reise.
God påske!
Klem, Marit
Måste läsa alla inläggen från din resa när det lugnat sig här efter påsken. Ser jätte spännande ut och vilka bilder.
Som sagt jag kommer tillbaka 🙂
Glad Påsk!
Tack Ulrika! Ingen stress man ska göra en del som lusten vill också. Resan var härlig, naturen är fantastisk.
Återigen slås jag av alla färger. Trots att det inte är någon grönska (eller kanske just därför) är det ett enormt färgspektra. Jag har tittat på bilderna flera gånger, återkommit till vissa av dom om och om igen. Vilken resa du gjort. Jag är så glad att du lägger ut dom här reseskildringarna från de olika platserna. Hoppas det kommer fler 🙂
Kram Anita