Inlägg taggade ‘Arizona’
Bryce Canyon – sunset and sunrise
Bryce for sunset and sunrise Having left Zion late morning we drove across the planes as we were headed for hooties, at Bryce Canyon. We stopped for another of our brought pic-nic lunches on the way but with an, for some, important addition… ..’Ho-made pies’. We had made a depot stop to fill up the supplies with……
Läs merZion National Park – Road-trip Day 3
Zion – fantastic for hiking true wilderness After we had been to the Standing rocks and Lee’s Ferry we packed up in the van and went for Zion National Park. A place I hadn’t been before. Our danish companion asked how many of us had been there… And he guaranteed that we would all be silenced…
Läs merVermillion Cliffs and more, Road-trip Day 2
Vermillion Cliffs, Marble Canyon and Lee’s Ferry Vermillion, vermilion red – yes it’s actually a colour. One of us on the trip resembled the cliffs to bacon but a guess is they won’t be re-named. Both red and bacon describe them well though. To our right going down from Page, red dirt and graybluish…
Läs merGrand Canyon South Rim – Road-trip Day 1
Grand Canyon – amazing grandeur Grand Canyon and the amazing views offered there is one way of making a head-start on a road-trip. I’d been there before and recognized that the landscape and nature is so grand that it is almost difficult to take in. To capture it by camera and do it justice… ..impossible!…
Läs merRoad-trip in the south west of US
Road-trip through Arizona and Utah Road-trip again… I worked in the US at the beginning of the new millenium. And in the summer of 2001 we took a road-trip, a vacation, for 21 days that included going from the north east corner, Detroit, all the way south west and down to southern California. All the…
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