Bryce Canyon – sunset and sunrise

Bryce for sunset and sunrise

Having left Zion late morning we drove across the planes as we were headed for hooties, at Bryce Canyon. We stopped for another of our brought pic-nic lunches on the way but with an, for some, important addition… ..’Ho-made pies’.  We had made a depot stop to fill up the supplies with… ..pies. Bryce Canyon, Mt Carmel Junction

At Bryce we drove to the top and then slowly worked our way down again, stopping at different sights. We spent most of the afternoon here and waited for the sunset. But the sunset didn’t turn out as spectacular as sunsets can be so I mostly took pictures during the afternoon.

And the next morning we were up early and with an inticipated cold. I was kind of reluctant the evening before. But it turned out to be a really lovely morning with good temperature and clouds coloured pink from the rising sun.


On our way back from Bryce we passed Red Canyon on highway 12 and breakfast had to wait a little longer. Bryce Canyon, driving through Red Canyon Bryce Canyon, driving through Red Canyon


..and then time for breakfast back at where we bought the pies at Mt Carmel Junction. I regret I didn’t ask the waitress earlier if I could take her picture. It was like in any tv-series we see at home with the girl in the picture serving us coffee at the table, refilling and refilling.. The breakfast is mine and it was just awesome both in taste and size.
Bryce Canyon, Mt Carmel Junction
Bryce Canyon, Mt Carmel Junction  Bryce Canyon, Mt Carmel Junction

The day by day telling is broken and the rest of day 5 will follow… later. I’m back in the USA for a fortnight but in the south eastern corner – North Carolina. And here it is full spring with flowering Wisterias, dog woods/Cornus and lots more of beautiful greens. And a nice temperature of 15 degrees Celsius 🙂



4 Kommentarer

  1. lunasblogg den 4 april, 2016 kl 09:31

    I really enjoy!

  2. Marit den 5 april, 2016 kl 07:41

    Beautiful photos! 🙂

    Hugs, Marit

  3. Anita den 6 april, 2016 kl 05:41

    Helt magiskt. Bilden med den rosa skyn som liksom hämtat upp färgen från de fantastiska klipporna är fantastiskt. Så du är tillbaka i USA. Låter härligt med blommande blåregn och cornus.

    Kram Anita

  4. Katarina /En Grön Sida den 13 april, 2016 kl 18:30

    Åh, härlig och levande skildring, känner dofter, smaker, atmosfären. Allt det vackra!
    Ha det riktigt gott!

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